Peacemakers Needed – Sept 24, 2023

Civility and decency seem to have disappeared during this era of polarization and passionate disagreements.

Vulgarity, faultfinding, and evil speaking of others are all too common. Too many pundits, politicians, entertainers, and other influencers throw insults constantly. I am greatly concerned that so many people seem to believe that it is completely acceptable to condemn, malign, and vilify anyone who does not agree with them. Many seem eager to damage another’s reputation with pathetic and pithy barbs!

Anger never persuades. Hostility builds no one. Contention never leads to inspired solutions. Regrettably, we sometimes see contentious behavior even within our own ranks. We hear of those who belittle their spouses and children, of those who use angry outbursts to control others, and of those who punish family members with the “silent treatment.” We hear of youth and children who bully and of employees who defame their colleagues.

My dear brothers and sisters, this should not be. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to be examples of how to interact with others—especially when we have differences of opinion. One of the easiest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people.

Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Bishop St Felix

Opening Hymn: #52 – The Day Dawn Is Breaking
Invocation: By Invitation

Sacrament Hymn: #183 – In Remembrance of Thy Suffering

Speaker: Jadyn Anderson
Speaker: Kim Christensen
Intermediate Hymn: #252 – Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Speaker: Elijah Clemence

Closing Hymn: #228 – You Can Make the Pathway Bright
Benediction: By Invitation

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