“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
Taking up our own cross is and will be very hard. It takes a lot of honesty and suffering, as we face the harshness of our own traumas, selfish actions and desires. But as we follow the Savior, with our heavy load from our personal Crosses, he gives us strength, new understanding, confidence, to rise above the shame and guilt to truly feel joy incomparable. The suffering and sacrifice is worth it! On everything I love! We must stand tall on the foundation of our Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Lynn Tiatia
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Patrick Mayo
Conducting: Patrick Mayo
Opening Hymn: # 241 – Count Your Blessings
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #189 – O Thou, Before the World Began
Speaker: Rachel Wood
Musical Number: Ward Choir
Speaker: Chase Christensen
Closing Hymn: #219 – Because I Have Been Given Much
Benediction: By Invitation
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