Chris Balmforth – Jan 7, 2024

Photo by Kristin O Karlsen on UnsplashChris Balmforth

Recently in the midst of a busy week, with a hundred things going on in my own life with work and family, I found my thoughts wandering to my brother.  He recently went through a divorce and has faced his own set of challenges.  One evening recently, I had a very clear “thought” to give him a call.  I didn’t know why, or what I was supposed to say, but it was a distinct impression that I couldn’t ignore.  Since his fantasy football team had just lost, I decided to call and give him a hard time about it, as any good brother would.  During the call, we chatted for a few minutes about some of his struggles. He later texted me how that brief call helped lighten his burdens just a little.

I have also unfortunately had impressions that I did my best to ignore because I was too timid to act.  During the temple open house, I had a “thought” to invite a co-worker to come and see.  I successfully talked myself out of it more than once, and I feel like I let an opportunity from the Lord slip away.  I can definitely say the way I felt after taking action on a prompting is much better than the feeling of not following a prompting.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said true disciples of Jesus Christ are always concerned with the one. “We are to be our brother’s keeper. We cannot neglect this commission given by our Savior. We must be concerned for the one.”

I testify of the truthfulness of this restored gospel.  God hears and answers prayers and revelation is real.  We are all entitled to receive revelation for our sphere of influence.  I testify that God hears us and he speaks to us.  We have to be willing to listen, and willing to take the time to act on those small promptings that we receive.  It does take a little time and a little effort, but the reward is beyond compare.

Brother Chris Balmforth

Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Brother Mayo

Opening Hymn: #26 – Joseph Smith’s First Prayer
Invocation: Lynn Tiatia

Sacrament Hymn: 196 – Jesus, Once of Humble Birth

Bearing of Testimonies

Closing Hymn: # 25 – Now We’ll Sing with One Accord
Benediction: Nate Christensen

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