The first time Samuel the Lamanite tried to share “glad tidings” in Zarahemla (Helaman 13:7), he was rejected and cast out by the hard-hearted Nephites. You might say it was as if they had built an impenetrable wall around their hearts that prevented them from receiving Samuel’s message. Samuel understood the importance of the message he bore and demonstrated faith by following God’s commandment “that he should return again, and prophesy” (Helaman 13:3). Like Samuel, we all encounter walls as we “prepare the way of the Lord” (Helaman 14:9) and strive to follow His prophets. And like Samuel, we too bear witness of Jesus Christ, “who surely shall come,” and invite all to “believe on his name” (Helaman 13:6; 14:13). Not everyone will listen, and some may actively oppose us. But those who believe in this message with faith in Christ find that it truly is a message of “glad tidings of great joy” (Helaman 16:14).
Samuel’s warnings of the judgments of God consistently included a merciful invitation to repent. Look for these invitations throughout Helaman 13–15 (see especially Helaman 13:6–11; 14:15–19; 15:7–8). What do you learn from these verses about repentance? Some people see repentance as a harsh punishment—something to avoid. In your opinion, how did Samuel want the Nephites to see repentance?
How is repentance different than just changing your behavior? Why is it important to accept God’s invitation to repent? As you ponder this, consider singing or listening to a hymn that expresses this invitation, such as “How Gentle God’s Commands” (Hymns
, no. 125).
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Bishop St. Felix
Opening Hymn: CS36 – Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #195 – How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Speaker: Bodey Gardner
Speaker: Jimmy Noorlander
Musical Number
Speaker: Sierra West
Closing Hymn: #1010 – Amazing Grace
Benediction: By Invitation
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