Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life

Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

By Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Our recent Gong family reunion included a fun talent show, complete with a dad jokes contest.

But this contest was unusual. On one team was Grandpa (me) and two of the grandchildren, ages 12 and 11. On the other team was an artificial intelligence (AI) program prompted by a cousin to tell dad jokes in the style of Gerrit W. Gong. Grandpa Gerrit Gong versus AI Gerrit Gong.

The grandchildren and I went first.

What do you call a dinosaur who crashes his car? Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.

AI Gerrit Gong was instructed—think like Gerrit W. Gong. Talk like him.

AI Gerrit Gong—“Here is a dad joke as if spoken by Gerrit W. Gong, embracing his warm, thoughtful, and uplifting style: Why did the humble tree make people smile? Because it was rooted in love and reached out with branches of kindness. Like that tree, we too can find strength in our roots and joy in extending kindness to others.”

Well, what do you think? That’s why they’re called dad jokes.

All around us are opportunities to laugh, delight, see with grateful eyes. Ours is a gospel of joy and holiness in everyday life. Holiness sets things apart for sacred purpose. But holiness also invites us to infuse daily living with the sacred—to rejoice in daily bread amidst this world’s thistles and thorns. To walk with the Lord, we must become holy, for He is holy, and to help us become holy, the Lord invites us to walk with Him.

We each have a story. As Sister Gong and I meet you—Church members and friends in many places and circumstances—your stories of holiness to the Lord in everyday life inspire us. You live seven Cs: communion with God, community and compassion with each other, commitment and covenant with God, family, and friends—centered in Jesus Christ.

Growing evidence highlights this striking fact: religious believers are on average happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than those without spiritual commitment or connection. Happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, close social relationships, even financial and material stability—on each measure, religious practitioners flourish.

They enjoy better physical and mental health and greater life satisfaction across all ages and demographic groups.

What researchers call “religious structural stability” offers clarity, purpose, and inspiration amidst life’s twists and turns. The household of faith and community of Saints combat isolation and the lonely crowd. Holiness to the Lord says no to the profane, no to snarky cleverness at others’ expense, no to algorithms that monetize anger and polarization. Holiness to the Lord says yes to the sacred and reverent, yes to our becoming our freest, happiest, most authentic, best selves as we follow Him in faith.


Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker

Opening Hymn: #140 – Did You Think to Pray?
Invocation: By Invitation

Sacrament Hymn: #181 – Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King

Speaker: Carrie Anderson
Intermediate Hymn: #1003 – It is Well With My Soul
Speaker: Chris Johnson

Closing Hymn: CS 14 – I Pray in Faith
Benediction: By Invitation

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