I know that Heavenly Father knows us by name. I know that he answers every prayer we utter. I know that everything He has done or will do is for our benefit.
Lynn Tiatia – November 19, 2023
“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
Shawn Parker – November 12, 2023
I have always felt very blessed to know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true and Living church on earth!
Brother Patrick Mayo – Nov 5, 2023
Growing up, my dad was a professional photographer and we often had a dark room setup in our house. I loved to go into the darkroom with him to watch as he would process his film and create photos.
Brother Todd Cliff – Oct 28, 2023
Photo by Paxton Tomko on Unsplash
A few years ago, I was scuba diving in the Northwest. After setting up my dive gear, I turned on the valve of my tank. I could hear a hiss coming from the regulator. A regulator is the device that delivers air needed to be breath underwater. I inspected it and noticed an o-ring was missing. All that fancy equipment and I couldn’t enjoy the underwater world without a small piece of round rubber.
My analogy is to show the importance of not neglecting the seemingly small things that go into having a testimony of Jesus Christ. It is the small things we do each day that help us obtain joy in this life and eternally. Prayer and scripture study are a few of these. We can’t enjoy the blessings of the gospel without a testimony of Jesus Christ, regardless of all that the church has to offer. The church exists to help us gain a testimony and obtain eternal life, but we have to keep the Lord’s commandment and strive to do our best to make this a reality. We have to have a testimony for the blessings of the gospel to be available to us.
I want to bear my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. It is what gives my life meaning and direction. I am thankful for a temple being so close. I see it everyday as I drive around the Saratoga Springs area. It is a constant reminder to live the Lord’s standards. I feel joy when I strive to keep his commandments.
We should concentrate on doing the seemingly small things each day that will help us obtain eternal life. I know as we strive to live God’s commandments we will be blessed, which in turn strengthens our testimony.
Brother Todd Cliff
Stake Conference Schedule
- President N. Clayton of the Seventy will be presiding at all conference sessions.
- Please note that all Saturday sessions will be held at our urgent stake center (behind Ridleys) and the Sunday general session will be in our building.
- Leadership Session (Oct 28, 3:30pm – 5:30pm)
- For all Ward Council members, organization presidency counselors, and youth class/quorum presidencies
- Location: Current Stake center (behind Ridleys)
- Evening Adult Session (Oct 28, 7:00pm – 9:00pm)
- All members 18 years or older
- Location: Current Stake center (behind Ridleys)
- General Session (Oct 29 10:00am – 12:00pm)
- All stake members
- Heather wood building (all stake members attend in their ward meetinghouse)
Abide the Day in Christ – October 22, 2023
President Dallin H. Oaks posed the following thought-provoking questions in relation to the coming of the Bridegroom: “What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow—through our premature death or through His unexpected coming—what would we do today?”
I have learned from personal experience that spiritual preparation for the coming of the Lord is not only essential but the only way to find true peace and happiness.
It was a crisp fall day when I first heard the words “You have cancer.” My husband and I were stunned! As we drove home in silence, processing the news, my heart turned to our three sons.
In my mind I asked Heavenly Father, “Am I going to die?”
The Holy Ghost whispered, “Everything is going to be OK.”
Then I asked, “Am I going to live?”
Again, the answer came: “Everything is going to be OK.”
I was confused. Why did I receive the exact same answer whether I lived or died?
Then suddenly every fiber of my being filled with absolute peace as I was reminded: We did not need to hurry home and teach our children how to pray. They knew how to receive answers and comfort from prayer. We did not need to hurry home and teach them about the scriptures or words of living prophets. Those words were already a familiar source of strength and understanding. We did not need to hurry home and teach them about repentance, the Resurrection, the Restoration, the plan of salvation, eternal families, or the very doctrine of Jesus Christ.
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker
Opening Hymn: #135 – My Redeemer Lives
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #186 – Again We Meet Around the Board
Speaker: Celine Parker
Musical Number
Speaker: Brian Wozniak
Closing Hymn: #86 – How Great Thou Art
Benediction: By Invitation
In the Path of Their Duty – October 15, 2023
In 1990, President Howard W. Hunter, then President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, delivered a message about the indispensable contributions of countless Church members who serve diligently and faithfully and who receive little or no public acknowledgment or acclaim.
President Hunter explained:
“It was said [about the young and valiant Captain Moroni]:
“‘If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men’ (Alma 48:17).
“What a compliment to a famous and powerful man. … Two verses later is a statement about Helaman and his brethren, who played a less conspicuous role than Moroni, that reads:
“‘Now behold, Helaman and his brethren were no less serviceable unto the people than was Moroni’ (Alma 48:19).”
President Hunter continued, “In other words, even though Helaman was not as noticeable or conspicuous as Moroni, he was as serviceable; that is, he was as helpful or useful as Moroni.”
President Hunter then counseled all of us to be no less serviceable. He said: “If you feel that much of what you do this year or in the years to come does not make you very famous, take heart. Most of the best people who ever lived weren’t very famous either. Serve and grow, faithfully and quietly.”
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker
Opening Hymn: #263 – Go Forth With Faith
Invocation: Cory Call
Sacrament Hymn: #185 – Reverently and Meekly Now
Speaker: Landon Anderson
Musical Number
Speaker: Kaden Green
Closing Hymn: #85 – How Firm a Foundation
Benediction: Mitchell Dyer
Think Celestial! – October 8, 2023
When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view—an eternal view. Put Jesus Christ first, because your eternal life is dependent upon your faith in Him and in His Atonement. It is also dependent upon your obedience to His laws. Obedience paves the way for a joyful life for you today and a grand, eternal reward tomorrow.
When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial! When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies prematurely, think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial!
As you focus on thinking celestial, expect to encounter opposition. Decades ago, a professional colleague criticized me for having “too much temple” in me, and more than one supervisor penalized me because of my faith. I am convinced, however, that thinking celestial enhanced my career.
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker
Opening Hymn: #19 – We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #184 – Upon the Cross of Calvary
Bearing of Testimonies
Closing Hymn: #260 – Who’s on the Lord’s Side?
Benediction: By Invitation
Peacemakers Needed – Sept 24, 2023
Civility and decency seem to have disappeared during this era of polarization and passionate disagreements.
Vulgarity, faultfinding, and evil speaking of others are all too common. Too many pundits, politicians, entertainers, and other influencers throw insults constantly. I am greatly concerned that so many people seem to believe that it is completely acceptable to condemn, malign, and vilify anyone who does not agree with them. Many seem eager to damage another’s reputation with pathetic and pithy barbs!
Anger never persuades. Hostility builds no one. Contention never leads to inspired solutions. Regrettably, we sometimes see contentious behavior even within our own ranks. We hear of those who belittle their spouses and children, of those who use angry outbursts to control others, and of those who punish family members with the “silent treatment.” We hear of youth and children who bully and of employees who defame their colleagues.
My dear brothers and sisters, this should not be. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to be examples of how to interact with others—especially when we have differences of opinion. One of the easiest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people.
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Bishop St Felix
Opening Hymn: #52 – The Day Dawn Is Breaking
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #183 – In Remembrance of Thy Suffering
Speaker: Jadyn Anderson
Speaker: Kim Christensen
Intermediate Hymn: #252 – Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Speaker: Elijah Clemence
Closing Hymn: #228 – You Can Make the Pathway Bright
Benediction: By Invitation
General Conference Soon – Sept 17, 2023
General Conference Is in 2 Weeks
What Is General Conference?
General conference is the worldwide gathering of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Twice a year, during the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October, Church leaders from around the world share messages, or sermons, focused on Jesus Christ and His gospel.
All Are Welcome: We invite everyone of all faiths, beliefs, and backgrounds and from everywhere in the world to watch, listen, and participate.
An Opportunity to Build Faith in the Living Christ: Participating in (watching) general conference helps us learn how we can find peace, hope, and joy through Jesus Christ. We learn how to strengthen our families as we follow Jesus Christ’s teachings and how to receive personal guidance and inspiration from God.
A Global Broadcast: General conference is streamed and broadcast live in about 70 languages and is later translated into more than 100 languages. It consists of five two-hour sessions that you can watch live or on your own schedule.
The global broadcast originates from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and consists of five unique, two-hour general sessions for all audiences over two days:
Saturday, September 30
10 a.m.* Saturday morning session
2 p.m. Saturday afternoon session
6 p.m. Saturday evening session
Sunday, October 1
10 a.m. Sunday morning session
2 p.m. Sunday afternoon session
*Mountain Daylight Time
All conference sessions will be streamed live on the live broadcasts page of ChurchofJesusChrist.org in more than 70 languages. You can also watch and listen on the General Conference YouTube channel; Gospel Library app; and other radio, television, satellite and digital channels.
Sacrament Meeting Program
Presiding: Bishop St Felix
Conducting: Bishop St Felix
Opening Hymn: #98 – I Need Thee Every Hour
Invocation: Jared Teerlink
Sacrament Hymn: #182 – We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name
Speaker: Rhya Balmforth
Speaker: Adyn Stoner
Speaker: Ryan Kitterman
Choir Performance: The Cause of Christ
Speaker: Janae Jakins
Closing Hymn: #60 – Battle Hymn of the Republic
Benediction: Cory Call