As part of the temple endowment, we have been given a sacred physical reminder of our covenants —a symbol of the Savior Himself.
A Framework for Personal Revelation
We need to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghost functions. When we operate within the framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight.
Foreordained to Serve
When He created you spiritually, He loved you as His spirit sons and daughters and embedded within each of you a divine nature and eternal destiny.
In Support of the Rising Generation
At a critical time when life and death hung in the balance, Helaman and his young warriors lost track of the army pursuing them.
It Is Wisdom in the Lord That We Should Have the Book of Mormon
This is the only dispensation that will not end in an apostasy. It is this dispensation that will usher in the Second Coming of the Savior Jesus Christ and His millennial reign.
Opening the Windows of Heaven
All that we have and all that we are comes from God. As disciples of Christ, we willingly share with those around us.
God among Us
Before I reached my 12th birthday, our family had been forced twice to flee our home and start over amid the chaos, fear, and uncertainties caused by war and political division. It was an anxious time for me, but it must have been terrifying for my beloved parents.
Tragedy Or Destiny?
I wish I could answer these questions with authority, but I cannot. I am sure that sometime we’ll understand and be reconciled. But for the present we must seek understanding as best we can in the gospel principles.
Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus – July 7, 2024
When I realized that I was spiritually face-blind, that I saw rules but not the face of the Father’s mercy, I knew it wasn’t the Church’s fault. It wasn’t God’s, and it didn’t mean everything was lost; it’s something we all have to learn.
Words Matter – June 30, 2024
The “word of God” surpasses all other expressions.