Brother Ken Atwan

In 1 Nephi chapter 15, Laman and Lemuel we’re asking questions concerning the
branches of the olive tree and the gentiles. “And Nephi said unto them: Have ye
inquired of the Lord?”

As I read that, it resonated with me causing me to think, do I “adequately” inquire
of the Lord? As I pondered that thought, my mind asked, do I inquire on those
things that He would have me understand or do? I thought that I do inquire on
those things I’m interested in, but are they things that the Lord would have me
know or do? My first thought was to better understand the character of the Lord,
and then His life came to mind on how His life was all about loving and serving
others. Then I thought, what can I do for others or how can I demonstrate His love
by serving others? If I’m praying more and pondering more the things of God, what a
blessing we could be to God and others by drawing ourselves closer to our God
and his children.

My testimony is that God does live, and Jesus is the Christ and Redeemer of the
world, and the Spirit does testify of the things that He would have us know and do.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Ken Atwan

Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker

Opening Hymn: #92 – For the Beauty of the Earth
Invocation: Peter Beck

Sacrament Hymn: #174 – While of These Emblems We Partake

Speaker: Dawson Louder
Speaker: Alex Shipp
Intermediate Hymn: #335 – Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
Speaker: Maddie Richards

Closing Hymn: #86 – How Great Thou Art
Benediction: Jadyn Anderson

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Sister Shaye Harger

In Come, Follow Me (Book of Mormon 2024), it starts off with a beautiful statement about Lehi’s family; “The Book of Mormon begins with an account of a real family experiencing real struggles. It happened in 600 BC, but there are things about this account that might seem familiar to families today. This family was living in a world of wickedness, but the Lord promised them that if they would follow Him, He would lead them to safety. Along the way, they had good moments and bad moments, great blessings and miracles, but they also had arguments and contentions. Rarely in scripture is there such a detailed account of a family trying to live the gospel: parents struggling to inspire faith in their family and worrying about their safety, children deciding if they will believe their parents, and brothers dealing with jealousy and contention—and sometimes forgiving each other. Overall, there is power in this imperfect family’s examples of faith.”

As we strive to raise and lead our families in this tumultuous world, all the while trying to keep the focus on the gospel, this statement from Come, Follow Me can give us a lot of comfort. All families have their own individualized struggles, contentions, and blessings. All families are filled with members that have their own strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. All family members have their own levels of understanding of the gospel and their own ways of gaining a testimony. Lehi’s journey started with a fervent prayer, followed by instructions from the Lord, and an unshakable testimony. Nephi’s journey started with seeking his own confirmation of the truth and gaining his own testimony through asking. Sam was able to gain his testimony solely through his faith in the words of his father and brother. As for Sariah’s testimony, she needed some physical proof to “know of a surety.” And the ever-stubborn brothers Laman and Lemuel saw an angel, heard the Lord speak, were shocked, and saw many miracles but still hardened their hearts over and over again until they lost their testimonies completely. Through the examples of Lehi’s family members, we can see many ways to gain and lose a testimony of the Lord’s gospel. 

I have a testimony of the scriptures, and especially the truths revealed to us in the Book of Mormon. I have a testimony of the blessings that can come from studying the Book of Mormon daily and using the wonderful study companion, Come, Follow Me. It is a blessing to have Come, Follow Me available to us today to add richness and depth to our personal, family, and church study of the scriptures. I promise that if you strive to read and teach the scriptures to your family along with this resource, that it will help set your family members on a journey to gain their own testimonies of the Lord and His gospel.

Shaye Harger

Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker

Opening Hymn: #87 – God Is love
Invocation: Amber Evensen

Sacrament Hymn: #175 – O God, the Eternal Father

Speaker: Lei Tiatia
Speaker: Kirsten Behunin
Musical Number
Speaker: Justin Cole

Closing Hymn: #232 – Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words
Benediction: By Invitation

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Sister Kayli Conde

I know we are guided by true prophets and seers. And that a seemingly simple boy turned into a great prophet through inspiration from Heavenly Father. He truly brings about a great many things through small things. I have seen many small things shift the tide of my life. It seems He knows me better than I know myself, and I believe He has a plan for all His children. Although I may encounter trials and tribulations of any kind, I have a loving brother in heaven who gave himself so he could save me and understand what I have gone through. I know all these things are true and I say them in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kayli Conde

Sacrament Meeting Program

Presiding: Bishop St. Felix
Conducting: Brother Riker

Opening Hymn: #273 – Truth Reflects upon Our Senses
Invocation: By Invitation

Sacrament Hymn: #173 – While of These Emblems We Partake

Speaker: Paisley Wood
Speaker: Logen Ballif
Intermediate Hymn: #240 – Know This, That Every Soul is Free
Speaker: Annsley Burnham

Closing Hymn: #229 – Today, While the Sun Shines
Benediction: Jasmyn Evensen

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